Blythe Waters Cherries Pool

Blythe Waters Cherries Pool
The home of our pairs league

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Blythe Pairs League Sunday 25/11/12

This was round 2 of our pairs league at Blythe waters and after a disapointing start to the league with both of us finishing 9th out of 15 on both pools we were hoping for a better result today, I drew for us and put myself on peg 22 on Cherries and John on peg 21 on willow. My peg had thrown up 9lb on the first round and while not very good as the fish are still up the other end of the pool it was the best weight from this end of the pool, John's peg had not been good on the first round either with 10lb off it and not a lot from the pegs either side so overall I don't think we had a good draw.
It was 2 1/2 hours into the match before I had my first bite on the pellet which came from down the left-hand  margin a small 2lb Carp the margins on this peg are 5ft deep so it is like fishing at 14-16m up the other end of the pool, I had tried all the other lines at 6m, 13m, 14.5m and the right hand margin with lots of different baits maggots, pinkies, pellets & corn but all without a sign. I ended the match with 6 Carp 5 of the small and one around 8-9lb for 22lb 12oz for 3rd on the pool which I was pleased with as my end of the pool had fished hard again with 5lb off peg 20 in the corner and 3lb off peg 23 to my right, Martin had won the pool off end peg 32 with 45lb and Chris 2nd off peg 10 which is the next peg in which I thought would happen as we are using 2 pools they had decided to leave all of the disabled pegs out which gives pegs 32 & 10 around a 1/3 of the pool each!!!! How much room do you want to give 2 good pegs anyway ( see the pic of the pool?). John had a bad match on Willow pool with just one bite a 2lb Carp but he wasn't on his own Brian to his left had one Roach and Tony to his right had 2 bites but they were 2 Carp for 14lb you cannot odds the size of the fish when the float goes under or the tip goes around had John's Carp been 7lb he would have beaten a few more on the pool but as it was he was well down.

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