Blythe Waters Cherries Pool

Blythe Waters Cherries Pool
The home of our pairs league

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Larford Classic Qualifier Sunday 24/10/10

Hi folks, back to Larford this week for another bash at the classic qualifier on the speci lake hoping for a better draw this week, as we pulled up on the car park we were greeted by exactly the same conditions as last week with another hard frost and no wind (why do the weather gods wait for a weekend to unleash there bad weather?). With all the lake in this week there was a better turnout with 50+ booked in, i drew out peg 19 which i was happy with as it was opposite where all the fish came from last week and in the middle of the lake Stav drew 61 one peg off last weeks winning peg so we were both a little happier with our pegs. I set up the same as last week a method rod, straight lead & 2 pole rigs the only thing i left in the bag was the pellet wagg as no one caught on it last week and another hard frost looks like it has put pay to this method for another year! As i was setting up i changed my mind and instead of the lead which i only managed one fish on last week i put a Drennan gripmesh feeder on to try and keep the feed tight and not spray 8mm pellets all over the place, i was talking to a Dan at work during the week weather or not to fish for skimmers with proper gear(light lines, small hook etc) and after seeing the frost i should have but you won't win the match with them at the moment as too many carp are still feeding.
Too cut a long story short ( my daughter wants the computer studying for A levels ) i had a crap match ending with only 9 skimmers for about 10-11lb, the welsh guy to my left had 4 carp 1 bream & 3 skimmers for 37lb with only 8 fish and the guy to my right had 2 bites all day 2 carp for 16lb. Battered both sides by carp try as i might to catch them they all seemed to miss my bait! Talking to the welsh guy we had both gone through all the hook bait permutations corn, maggots,bollies & meat but he hooked carp & me skimmers? Mick Varley had caught on the method on peg 11 for 70lb & Andy Kinder on peg 14 had a couple on the lead & then switched to the method for 54lb these were the best weights on the burr bank we later found out that there was a 62lb on peg 72 which is dead in-line with peg 11!
Can you see a pattern emerging here? this is last weeks results.
Position NamePegMethod Weight
1st Andy Morrison62Pole fished pellet at 15m 60-14-00
2nd Neil McKinnon67Short pole 55-04-00
3rd Sean McCarthy68Long pole at 14m 54-02-00
4th Matt Hodges65Method feeder with sweetcorn 52-10-00
I think you needed to draw the 60's???
Then this week 1st & 2nd dead in-line with each other???
Position NamePegMethod Weight
1st Mick Varley (Maver)11Method feeder (boilie) / pole fished pellet 70-02-00
2nd Sean McCarthy72Straight lead 66-14-00
3rd Andy Kinder (Maver)15Bomb and pellet / Method feeder 54-06-00
4th John Catermole (Maver)30Method feeder 53-00-00
I think the fish are in small pockets & if you don't draw on them your in for a very hard day, Satv feared worse than me so we both went home with our tails between our legs. ( sorry to cut this one short the daughter's nagging, just like here mom!)

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